Detachment 623 of SW Wisconsin

Active, reserve, retired, and veteran Marines continue the faithful tradition of looking out for the Marines to their left and right.
Connecting generations. Connecting community.
We hold programs for Marines, their families, and the community, including:
Toys for Kids
Honor Guards for Fallen Veterans
Veteran Service Officers (VSO)
Scouting/Eagle Scout Program
Marine Roses Program
POW/MIA Remembrance
Volunteer Assistance Veterans Service (VAVS)
Veterans Breakfasts
Be a part of the family.
Active Participation is strongly recommended but not necessary to be a part of our League. Detachment 623 is the biggest/most active group in the State of Wisconsin. We like to say “The biggest and Baddest”!
We encourage ALL who are interested to contact us about the many members events, volunteer opportunities, and community building opportunities.